Tues 15 left Toronto on 9.30 train got
into Wellington 2.30 saw River Don. did not send word & no
one to meet us. went into Mr Niles office he took me to Aunt Bic
& R walked. Auntie had us have our trunk brought up.
Telephoned Grandma. had nice sleep good breakfast next morn.
Uncle said he would come out for us as Aunt B insisted on our
staying there. Went & called on
Well Oct
Sam Osborne, "Mordens" Niles
Wed 16 after breakfast took out laundry
to chinaman & Mrs Lutman she knew Ray. then called on R
uncle Jim Mill [not sure of name] then S Morden took us on to
see his wife then back to Aunt B & Edna was there to meet
us. Did some shopping then drove out to grandmas. Aunt El &
S ran out to meet us. Grandma at the door. She felt very badly.
Grandma much brighter they said went to bed
in room where the sisters
slept. it’s a parlor bedroom now. Aunt Hat & Uncle W came
out in evening. every one pleased with every thing Well.