Mr. Olaus Olson was the son of Ole and
Rangdi Olson who had emigrated from Kongsvinger, Norway in 1865
and settled at Wilmar, Minnesota where he was born November 11,
When a young man, he used to
go to the logging camps during the winter and in the spring, he
would be one of the log drivers keeping the logs moving down the
river to the mills.
During the rest of the year he
worked his farm.
On January 25, 1903, he
married Bedina Anderson, daughter of Arneluis Anderson.
They farmed the area of Middle
River until they came to Canada in 1909.
Here they raised a family of
ten children, in the area which later became Naicam.
Here he farmed and did
blacksmithing for his neighbours.
Mrs. Olson always grew a big
garden which she often shared with those who needed help.
They were willing workers for
the church.
Mrs. Olson being on of the
first in membership of the Lutheran Ladies’ Aid there.
The older children attended
the Lac Vert School, the younger ones attended the Naicam
Mr. Olson’s father lived his
last years with them, passing away in his hundredth year.
In 1938, their son Eddy had
acquired a farm south of Watson so it was decided his parents
should come and live with him.
Eddy and his brother Oscar did
mixed farming and raised mink.
Here they left for British
Columbia where several of their other children lived.
Mr. and Mrs. Olson enjoyed
many years after their retirement in British Columbia, with most
of their family near.
Mr. Olson passed away August
1953; Mrs. Olson in January, 1961.