Thorne & Bryan Genealogy
Last Page Activity: January 7, 2014         
Beulah Foster REED


Birth: 20 Sep 1889    Place: City of Somerville, County of Middlesex, Commonwealth of Massachusetts,  U.S.A.

Death: 22 Jul 1948    Place: Salt Spring Island, British Columbia2

Burial Place:  Salt Spring Island, British Columbia

Father: Clarence Gilman REED (1844-)

Mother: Emma Ritchie FOSTER (1849-~1920)


Spouse:  Frank Sifford MORRISON

Birth: 20 Nov 1887 Place: Saint John, New Brunswick

Death: 30 Mar 1976 Place: Ganges, Salt Spring Island, BC3

Father: William Sommerville MORRISON MD (1849-1938)

Mother: Mary KENNEDY (1854-1936)


Marriage: 6 Aug 1913   Place: Atlantic, Mass at the home of Beulah's mother, Emma (Foster) Reed; officiated by Rev. T. W. Davison of the Atlantic Memorial Church.  (see documents below)
Left:  Beulah age 18

Below:  Beulah (right) and her sister Mabel 


Mary Reed "Molly" (1914-)

Elizabeth Reed "Betty" (1914-1999)

Margaret  "Peggy" Campbell (1921-1988)


NOTES & PHOTOS - Pre-marriage

Beulah far right on hammock.
Beulah on left.  Unknown with cat. Beulah far left with her mother, Emma F Reed 2nd from left.
Pictured above Beulah on far left and Fraser Morrison on far right. 

Photograph to right:  in carriage, Beulah, in front seat with reins, was just "one of the gang" on a summer's day at Ken-Mor Place in Hampton, NB 

Wedding Announcement
click to enlarge
Massachusetts Marriage Record
click to enlarge
Wedding Guest Signatures
Click to enlarge
Newspaper Marriage Announcement
click to enlarge

NOTES & QUOTES for Beulah Foster Reed
  • Harry and Margaret McLeean not related but were known to the three girls as aunt and uncle. "When I was in Vancouver so long ago, Fraser and I started in Pt. Grey and [Beulah] had Betty and Molly a few blocks away, all summer and sometimes she left them with me while she visited her mother in hospital and sometimes she took them to Margaret McLeean."  Irene Shaw-Morrison November 16, 1964
  • "[Beulah] didn't have an easy time getting [Molly, Betty and Peggy] raised.  Frank never did learn to handle money, in fact none of the [Morrison] family did.  His father was a very poor business man and it took Fraser a long time.  Oh well, life is full of ups and downs and makes interesting looking back." Irene Shaw-Morrison January 18, 1965
  • "Nettie McKay was my only acquaintance [on Beulah's side] except for [McKay's] father whom I had to face in my Grade XII year at school.  Our classroom was small and my desk was so close to his, I could almost have kicked his shins -- never did -- though I once got caught trying to sketch him.  Fortunately it wasn't [a] caricature so I got off with a warning."  Irene Shaw-Morrison January 18, 1965
  • "The twins were not yet 4 when Beulah left them with me for the day while she traveled the awkward journey by street car and train to visit her mother.  No car waiting in the garage in those days and the old street car was the usual transport from Pt. Grey and 16th Avenue near Dunbar.  That was before we went to West Van. [Vancouver] which you reached  by ferry only. Irene Shaw-Morrison February 26, 1971
  • "When we [Irene and Fraser Morrison] moved to 16th in August 1918 she [Beulah] was living in a little house on the south (even number) side of 19th in the 3700 block, and Frank was back in Alberta teaching in summer school.  She had come to Van. [Vancouver] in early season with her mother and twins and by the time I arrived in June, mother was in hospital (stroke?) and later in home at Eburne and it was a real days work for Beulah to get to see her, down town by street car and then by BC Electric train from Carroll Street.  At least that's how I remember.  Once or twice the twins fell to my care but mostly were left with Margaret McLean at Shaugnessy Lodge.   After Frank had come out and moved them back to Camrose, the McLeeans moved into the little place on 19th and by 1920 were in their own house on 14th.  As far as the numbering of houses it wasn't certain and they may have been redone, for we had no mail delivery but went to Mr. Milgau's store for mail and groceries. Pt. Grey in 1918 was not  in Vancouver.  I think our town hall was in Kerrisdale.  Maybe that name is lost in 54 years." Irene Shaw-Morrison July 1, 1972.







Written words on this picture say " Loved this old ferry.  Doesn't it bring back happy memories?  Does to me.

The picture is from The Province newspaper in their Vancouver Album category.  Caption reads: "Before the Lions Gate Bridge was built West Vancouver commuters used ferries, one of which was the Sonrisa.  This photo was taken in 1916."

Above photo of Beulah July 1929 in West Vancouver.

1944 Beulah with grandchildren (l-r) Ross Bryan & Roberta, Ted and Darlene Akerman.

Pictures taken July 2005 of Beulah (Reed) Morrison's grave site on Salt Spring Island.  Upper left - headstone.  Lower left - moss covered site on right.  It used to be second in from the road side fence.  Because of erosion, it is now first from road side fence.  Above:  view on St. Paul's Catholic Church from this portion of grave yard. 


"MORRISON - The death occurred in the hospital at Ganges, Saltspring Island on Thursday, July 22, of Mrs. Beulah Morrison, wife of Mr. F. S. Morrison, Genoa Bay Road. Born at Cambridge, Mass., U.S.A., 59 years ago, Mrs. Morrison came to British Columbia in 1913 and lived for some years in Vancouver before coming with her husband to Duncan in 1942. While a resident here Mrs. Morrison was on the staff of Cowichan Merchants Ltd., (now David Spencer (Duncan) Ltd.). She left some time ago to make her home with her daughters on Saltspring Island. Besides her husband she leaves three daughters, Mrs. Robert Akerman, Fulford Harbour, Mrs. Malcolm Mouat, Ganges and Mrs. Leslie Brian [sic Bryan], Vancouver, and seven grandchildren. Funeral services were held on July 24 at St. Peter's [sic Paul's] Catholic Church, Fulford Harbour." 1



1. Cowichan Leader, Found in Family Bible, August 12, 1948, Clipping.

2. Death Registration Archives, B13198, GSU 2032482.

3. Family records and letters. 

4. "Family Bible - Holy Bible Old & New Testments - Appointed to be read in churches," Oxford: Printed at the University Press, and sold by Thomas Nelson and Sons, New York M,DCCC.LXIX, Passed down to Margaret Campbell Morrison then to Sherrie Patricia Bryan after which it will go to Bryan Arthur Thorne, Estate of Sherrie Patricia Bryan.

5. Irene Shaw-Morrison.  Letters sent to Peggy Morrison-Bryan and Sherrie Bryan-Thorne