Last Page Activity:  March 24, 2012          

Birth: 13 Dec 1918 Place: Summerberry, Saskatchewan

Father: James Colin BRYAN (1850-1932)

Mother: Wilhelmina "Minnie" Hilda LIESKE (1874-1949)


Spouse: Simon Fraser "Fraser" McLEOD II

Birth: 27 Dec 1904  Place: 

Death: 20 Sep 1984 Place:



Simon Fraser (1939-)

Susan (1944-)








Fraser & Ada 1949

Photo Gallery ...

Ada -1992

Ada on her mother's lap

Ada (left) with Pearl and Les

Ada (left) with Pearl


Ada Sept 1949

Further information for Ada Bryan

Ada was the baby of the family and adored as such.  

  • 1919 Letter by James Colin Bryan  ~ a hand written letter from James Colin in Steveston, BC to his son William "Willie" "Bill" in Saskatchewan in which he mentions "the baby" - Ada.